Two important factors in contracting the disease are distance and time. We must practice social distancing and also restrict the amount of time we spend together in a closed space. The following guidelines are intended to help you remain safe and healthy while being able to gather for worship. Those who are not feeling well or are otherwise compromised health-wise are encouraged to wait to return to church. We will post recorded services on the homepage.
We ask those who come to church to observe the following guidelines:
- Please practice social distancing (six feet apart) in the parking lot and in the church building.
- Masks are optional, they are available for those who do not have them. Hand sanitizers are also available.
- We will not hand out bulletins or other materials. Everything you need for the service will be on the screens.
- Hymnbooks, Bibles, and other materials have been removed from the sanctuary to reduce items that people may be inclined to touch.
- Blue painter’s tape will be used to mark the pews for social distancing. You may sit anywhere that isn’t taped off.
- Sunday School, Bible Class, and Fellowship Coffee will not be held at this time. No one will be staffing the nursery, but the room is available for family use.
- We ask parents to keep their children with them during the service to encourage them to practice social distancing.
- Time is an important factor in contracting the virus. We will do everything possible to keep the service to 45 minutes. This means the service will be shortened. We will sing fewer hymn verses and reduce the liturgical portion of the service.
- We plan to continue to have communion on the first and third Sundays of the month. We have new distribution methods to protect the health of communicants.
- An offering plate will be placed at the back of the sanctuary for your offering. Please place your offering there. We will not be passing the plate
- Some other changes may be made. We ask that you have patience with these since they are intended for your protection and good.