“For it is by GRACE you
have been saved…”

Ephesians 2:8

Grow & Serve in Grace

Sharing the love of Jesus Christ is the center of everything we do at Grace Lutheran. 
This is especially true when we gather together for services. 

What Can You Expect…
• You can expect to receive a warm welcome at Grace. We are always happy to have guests and visitors. Children are always welcome.
• Don’t worry about what you wear to church. Some people dress up but many are dressed more casually.
• Our service is easy to follow. It is projected on screens, so no hunting for the right place in a hymnal or worship folder.
• The worship service includes the invocation, confession of sins, and absolution (forgiveness), Bible readings, creed, sermon, prayer, Lord’s Prayer, the Lord’s Supper (twice monthly), and hymns. These are essential elements of Lutheran worship.
• The singing in our service is mostly traditional hymns from a variety of hymnals with modern hymns used occasionally. Hymns are accompanied by the organ. We are blessed to have a talented organist who has a degree in Organ Performance. Special music is provided by vocalists and the Bell Choir on a sporadic basis.
• We have communion on the first and third Sundays of the month. Grace practices Membership Communion, which means members of Grace, or members of churches in fellowship with Grace (ELS, WELS), are invited to receive the Lord’s Supper. Non-members should speak to the pastor about becoming part of our fellowship.
• There is usually a fellowship coffee after the service. This gives people a chance to visit and get to know one another.

We hope to see you soon!

Opportunities to be Involved

  • Sunday School runs year-round from 10:30-11: 15 AM.
  • Communion Sundays are the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
  • Bible Studies:
    • Sunday mornings from 10:30 to 11:15 AM
  • Monthly Meetings: 
    • Elders meet on the first Tuesday of most months at 6:30 PM. 
    • Voters meet on the second Sunday of odd-numbered months at 10:30 AM
    • Ladies’ Circle meets on the second Sunday of odd numbered-months at 10:30 am.